A philosopher Nyodhino says that as long as sunlight is available patients are erring by searching for alternative treatments. Such people must focus on sun which is the fount of energy and sound health.
Lord Savita Narayan or Sun God is the focal point of nature or Prakriti. All our energy is obtained from the sun. Just as without the soul our bodies cannot exist similarly the world exist because of the sun’s presence. Just as honeybees in search of honey wander near flowers so too planet earth in search of protection of life on it revolves around the sun. The earth is verily our mother and sun is our father. Their ‘sperm’ and ‘ovum’ sustain life on earth. Solar heat helps mature bodily juices. Energy advancement,Guest Posting nourishment of bodily parts and emission of bodily wastes is dependent on this gigantic energy. So far we spoke of the body and progress and nourishment of means that sustain life. This general cycle can be seen even in the life of matter and consciousness that help in life’s sustenance.
When dire situations abound on earth sun gives us enormous help. Lord Bhaskar or Sun God possesses so much of disease destroying potential that even the most tedious illness can be overcome by its grace. One does not have to look far ahead. A farmer who tills soil remaining thirsty and hungry who rarely comes across expensive objects and who works day in and day out tirelessly yet remains in good health. Illnesses rarely confront him. Even if some illness attacks him he regains good health even without medication in a jiffy. Bang opposite to this urban population that is not exposed to sunlight in a major way but eat nourishing food along with apt rest yet off and on undergoes various illnesses. Almost 100% of them face stomach ailments, indigestion, constipation etc.
Dr Solay says that in comparison to Sun God’s healing powers none can match it. Deadly diseases like cancer which are very difficult to combat despite using radium therapy etc can be cured via appropriate solar healing therapies. For tuberculosis Dr Hernich says that from the last 30 years from about 22000 patients who took his treatment failed to overcome it satisfactorily. As a result I opted to cure them with solar healing methods. The outcome was so encouraging for the past 3 years that I can doubtlessly say that solar healing is an outstanding way to cure tuberculosis.
Dr Hongay writes that I unearthed that in diseases related to the blood like yellow hue in blood, thinness, anemia, weakening of veins, tiredness, fatigue etc solar healing methods are very successful.
A famous doctor Lady Kebo writes her experiences wherein she says that about 12 people approached me who were very weak. Their skin hung loosely and bones were a bit bent. On checking them it was noted that they were not exposed to sun light. Hence they were asked to sun bathe as much as possible. The result was that their good health spiraled up and in a short time span they were hale and hearty.
The famous philosopher Nyodhino opines that as long as sunlight is available on earth patients are erring by searching for alternative treatments. Such people must yearn to focus on that sun which is the fount of energy, beauty and sound health and with its benevolence regain sound long lasting health.
Indians are not unaware of this divine grace of Sun God. When school children erred their teachers made them stand in the hot sun as punishment. Great Yogis perform austerities under the watchful eye of the sun. The sun’s capacity to overcome illnesses has for long been researched into. Lord Savita helps overcome deadly diseases like cancer and every household knows that sunlight radiates both out inner and outer beauty. People have great faith in this fact.
Via heat of light plants, trees etc bloom on earth. Ere sunlight failed to reach earth the latter would be converted into a gigantic ball of snow and darkness. Life would thus cease to exist. Objects radiate because of sunlight and it also gives our eyes the capacity to visualize the external world. Without sunlight gloominess would take over. We may possess eyes but seeing would be impossible. Fire in our hearths and cooking range is but another form of solar light and heat. We are grateful to the sun for creating clouds which later shower rain on us.
It is solar rays that dry up wetness, dirt and muck seen on roads etc. If the sun failed to do this the world would become mucky and dirty.
Trees, plants etc do not survive merely because they get water, fertile foil etc. Apart from this it is most required that they get sunlight and wholesome air. Wind moves because of heat energy in the atmosphere. Indirectly it is the grace of sunlight that flowers, fruits etc bloom. As a result other beings exist on this planet.
Germs, poisonous bacteria etc are overcome via solar heat. Apart from soap dirty clothes dive up their smell only on getting exposed to sunlight. Fruits vegetables give us nourishment simply because they bloomed forth in the presence of sunlight. In comparison to roots the plants stem and leaves are more energy bestowing. Hence along with bread, lentils etc we eat vegetables too for proper nourishment.
Solar heat is very beneficial for birds, animals, humans etc. Those who remain unexposed to sunlight are known to fall sick more often than not. Of course one need not seek hot sun rays of noon time yet the serene sunlight at dawn/sunrise is extremely beneficial for us all. We must try and sit in wet clothes after bath in front of the rising sun. For this, 15-20 minutes is not enough. The door and windows of ones house must be such that they allow maximum sunlight to enter every nook and corner of the house. Our bedding, pillows, clothes etc should be exposed to sunlight regularly so that undesirable germs, worms etc get destroyed.
By itself sun befits all living beings and yet it is important that ones body gets properly exposed to its healing rays. If intense heat is unbearable stay away from heat but make sure to expose your body, interior of the house etc to those solar rays whose heat is endurable. Sun that is directly visible is a storehouse of heat energy. It enhances sound health. Its life force is terrific. It enters our body and makes us that much more potent. It energizes juices, blood, hormones, enzymes present in our body. Thus the body becomes powerful and attains a longer life span.
Deep thinkers of the world now are realizing the great import of solar healing and hence accrue its benefits. Colors have various characteristics. Green is cool, red is hot and yellow is good for digestion. When these 3 combine in various ways new hues result. After diagnosing an illness, via glass specific colored rays are exposed to that bodily part which is diseased. Certain specific colored glass bottles are filled with water and exposed to sunlight. This water then is par taken by the patient which is called Chromo Therapy. On the basis of data available regarding this mode of therapy we feel that Vedic Sciences can add a lot of value to solar healing. Without using too much of cash people will augment good health and thus such healing would intensify its priceless nature.
Along with Modern Science’s advancement people now realize the correlation between solar rays and good health augmenting. In this New Era in order to overcome diseases Denmark resident Dr N R Fixay used solar healing methods first in 1893 AD. Later after a decade Switzerland’s Dr Reliyar used solar rays to cure tuberculosis. He had built a solar lab for this healing. As a result of his experiments the world over people started accepting solar ray healing methods as vitally important in the field of Medicine and Therapy. In a major way those who have researched into the aspect of solar healing they maintain that UV light present in sunlight is very beneficial for all beings. No doubt technology that produce UV rays have been set up and yet it has been noted that UV rays from sunlight are more beneficial than those created from technical man made apparatus. Such technology has been designed which produce no UV rays. They create only infra-red rays and depict their prowess. Suppose no UV or infra-red rays are produced yet such technical apparatus is designed to created that give light full of medicinal healing properties. As a result we can conclude that various types of radiations are present both in sunlight and man designed technology and yet the former is more beneficial than the latter.
One must deeply analyze those human beings who work in sunlight from dawn to dusk. Compare them with those who live in urban areas and are not exposed in a major way to sunlight. Skin that is yellow and withered cannot endure heat and cold and are unable to satisfactorily emit urine, feces from the body. Of course it is not necessary for people to bask in sunlight all day long. Instead we must try and expose our body to sunlight as and when the chance arises and that too at least for 15 minutes. It is preferable to expose as much of your body as possible to sunlight. It should be remembered that the head must not be exposed to sunlight. Dieticians who try to find out ways to include vitamin D in the diet of poor people sometimes get confused. They fail to see beyond the available sources of vitamin D like milk, butter, eggs etc. They must understand that solar rays of sunrise are extremely beneficial to all and hence poor people too. For those steeped in poverty sunlight is equivalent to butter, eggs etc so as to imbibe vitamin D. In Indian schools after the 5th grade health education is bestowed on a student that goes on to the 8th grade. Children learn all this from text books. Teachers too teach them from books. Education is meant for imbibing knowledge and wisdom and not social transactions. If only we digest the fact that sunlight is very precious for world denizens our lineage would augment and also that TB cannot merely be obstructed but that it can be rooted out totally.
The sun is immensely useful in our life and for sound health. Generally it is noted that plant life and other creature live in open air. In comparison to those who are not greatly exposed to sun shine and open air they bloom more, are healthy and full of greenery.
During solar eclipse creatures are full of fear. What exactly is the reason? The answer is that the very thought of not remaining exposed to sun light makes them wistful and withered. In open air and sun shine one sees cows, calves and other creatures full of joy and zest. They experience untold pleasure. Who can we say is unaware of this fact? Those vegetables, fruits etc that grow in open sunlit air are full of precious vitamins and minerals. By par taking them our life force increases and so does our good health. Those fruits, vegetables etc that are not exposed to sun light much either do not bloom aptly and even if they grow they do not appear fresh and blooming. Those workers who work in factories, mills etc appear to do so in a prison like gloomy atmosphere. They get miniscule amounts of sun light and fresh air. Thus their bodily and mental growth is impaired. Their faces are gloomy and listless. Their health is seen to be quite poor and thus they face many illnesses and diseases. Hence it is imperative that they expose themselves to sun light and fresh air when they are not working so as to lead a joyful healthy life. If those who bathe very late in the day, do so after taking a sun bath will not get any skin diseases. If we bathe after exposure to sun light we must wipe our entire body thoroughly with a clean towel.
In our country i.e. India right since ancient times, sun is looked upon as a potent medium for good health and long life span. Thus the sun is worshipped with devotion as a demigod. The gist of all Vedas is Super Mantra Gayatri. That too is a mode of worshipping sun god and its chanting methodology involves keeping the body above the waistline naked. It means that on a naked body solar rays are thrown by sun. The pure sun bath at dawn gives us good health, joy and divine bliss. Not only does our blood get purified but that energy and zest bloom forth. The health of farmers tilling soil is n-fold better than the health of urban people who live in dark gloomy places. Who say is unaware of this fact? People living in dark rooms experience more ill health than those living in spacious airy houses. Thus they are doomed to death. It is for this reason that it is said: A doctor has to visit that household in which sunlight has no room to enter. Sir Jamesby has said: In St Petersburg those soldiers who live unexposed to sunlight die n-fold more in number than those soldiers exposed to sunlight. When epidemics of cholera, typhoid etc is rampant it is seen that those living in dark gloomy homes are more prone to contract these diseases in comparison to those residing in fresh sunlit air. Hence people who are concerned about good health and long life span should insist on residing in homes and surrounding areas that have fresh air and plenty of sunlight. Our scriptures and Ayurvedic texts eulogize vociferously the import of sunlight because innumerable diseases can be destroyed due to its benevolence. With the help of solar healing many illnesses related to Vata (wind), Pitts (bile) and Kuf (phlegm) can be destroyed and thus one can live a joyous life of 100 years. Foods that lack proper health giving elements can be replaced by exposing ourselves to sunlight and hence life bestowing principles. Apart from India nations like Iran, Egypt, Greece and Italy too worship sun god. Sun Temples were very famous in Greece that worshipped sun god. Before 2000 years Greece’s world famous doctor Hippocrates healed deadly diseases with the help of solar ray healing. Today in foreign countries solar healing has gained great moment for curing various ailments.
In order to overcome deadly diseases like cancer etc the sun’s rays of various hues are utilized for healing purposes. Diseases related to digestion, skin and muscles are cured via solar healing. There are many incidences wherein deadly TB too has been cured in this manner. Dr Reliyar prefers sun bathing methods to operations for overcoming bodily distortions. Dr Finsin too has cured many patients utilizing solar healing therapies. He opines that for all round progress of children solar rays can play a major role. When forest animals fall sick they lie down in open air with the sun beating down on their bodies. Thus they get cured. If this is the case why do human beings insist on par taking medicines that have side effect which in turn breed more diseases? Why do they not imbibe solar rays and benefit tremendously?
In comparison to the capacity of the sun bestowing health and life force to creatures that destroys diseases and darkness no other material has this capacity. Indian philosophers know this secret right since ancient times and hence look upon Sun as Almighty Lord himself. Hence in their day to day transactions and spiritual pursuits have worshipped the sun and tried to imbibe Divine Energy from it. Scientific research of today’s modern times has accepted the wondrous potent energy of the sun. First and foremost Norgon de Ween in the last stage of the 18th century conducted deep research studies and opined based on scientific data that apart from the sun none has the capacity to heal the body and psyche. Another researcher devoid of any doubt believes that solar rays possess terrific energy to destroy various germs of diseases. Other germ killers, phenyl etc do not possess this tremendous capacity. Sir Oliver Long is amazed that for progress of world health no doubt research has been conducted wherein various medicines and therapies have unfolded and yet none can compare with the power of solar healing. Such health bestowing power exists only in Sun God and over and above this it is free. It is beyond ones ken as to why it is not made use of on a gigantic scale? England’s Medical Superintendent Sir Henry Gowan while elaborating on his experiences says that those not exposed to sunlight or get very little of it are rendered insane, vile, handicapped and weak.
With reference to tuberculosis patients Sandy White in Heling Island conducted research and many other anatomists and physiologists too have experimented in this region. All this has been greatly elaborated by C E Lawrence in his books. He says that one can get direct tangible experiences of the sun’s prowess. Swelling related to TB is healed by sunlight and arthritis too benefits a great deal by it. It is very clear that TB germs are destroyed by solar rays. In this manner all transformations accrue not simply due to UV light but other important principles present in sunlight. Today deep research is being conducted on this the world over.
Dr Maverin has proof that those kids whose bones are bent is due to non exposure to sunlight and when such ailing children are exposed to sunlight amply their bones gain normalcy.
The Vedas proclaim that the sun is verily the soul of the cosmos. Material science of contemporary times is creating a Super Commentary on the above aphorism. The world’s great philosophers and seers in unison opine that none apart from the sun is the greatest doctor in the entire cosmos. But alas! O ignorant man! In the name of so called civilized behavior you do not feel the need to get exposed to sunlight. In order to regain good health you stray away from the sun while searching for apt cures.
Because of sunlight in the natural state the body receives life force and hence sound health. It is a priceless gift from Mother Nature. Where sunlight is unavailable there who ever resides or works becomes dull and yellowish in hue. Vitamin D of sunlight advances our body greatly and hence a pregnant woman should see to it that her self and the womb get enough exposure to sunlight. If women fail to imbibe sunlight their life can become very problematic.
Osteomalasia (where the bones weaken) is proof of the fact that one has not got enough exposure to solar rays. Bones and teeth do require Vitamin D for all round growth. Mere food intake does not give apt measure of it. Children fall prey to many diseases because of lack of sunlight and hence Vitamin D. As a result bones, waist and legs become frail. Muscles and bones too become very weak. Hence it is imperative that small children should be made to play in sunlight that they can endure. Wise mothers sit in sunlight to massage her baby’s body and as long as the baby can tolerate sunlight the baby is allowed to sleep in sunlight. Thus children get a lot of bodily and mental energy.
Solar rays help the body avoid dirt. It has some stupendous power that allows dirt to be thrown out via the anal region. Hence after getting exposed to solar rays bathe in cold water and thus the skin pores get cleansed thoroughly.
Those whose tasks/professions involve major use of the brain/intellect should cover their scalp with a cloth while walking in sunshine. Else heat in the brain will augment. Of course the rest of the body if exposed to sunlight will prove very beneficial. It goes without saying that hot sun of let us say noon must be avoided. During times of this practice slowly but surely the time of sunlight exposure should be increased.
So far we have discussed the gross benefits of Gayatri Meditation which is but the miracle of energy of Sun God. Just as passion manifests in the psyche so as to excite the sense organs so too when the psyche meditates on Sun God the mind bathes in the ocean of solar rays. Thus Divine Energy of Sun God manifests in the human body and psyche. Deadly diseases like cancer too have been cured via Gayatri Meditation. It has a strong scientific basis. While meditating on Sun God we imbibe sunlight the mind and soul of that devotee definitely gets sanctified. Hence Sun God not only augments bliss of this world but also that of the other world.
Not only the body but the surroundings and rooms should be open so that uninhibited solar rays pour into them. In homes where sunlight fails to get exposed there germs of diseases augment so as to attack its residents. Bang opposite to this areas exposed to sunlight there the wind too is untainted and toxic air is destroyed. In factories, mills etc where dirt and pollution is maximum there the rooms should be maximally exposed to fresh air and solar rays. Thus the solar rays can continue with their function of sanctifying those places. Mill workers working in closed areas become yellowish from the skin standpoint. They fall sick and thus work output decreases substantially.
Sunlight is indeed the very life of human beings. Th